A single grant can make a world of difference!
St. Francis Society trap, neuter, vaccinate and return feral cat program
Tampa FL August 3, 2023
St. Francis Society is so grateful to Humane America Animal Foundation for their recent grant helping us Trap, Neuter, Vaccinate and Return 20 feral cats. These cats will no longer add to the homeless kitten crisis and are now protected against several diseases like rabies! Thank you!
Trumble County, OH October 18, 2023
In June, we (AWL) received a grant from the Humane America Animal Foundation that allowed us to provide community members with spay and neuter services free of charge. With help from Steel Valley Spay and Neuter Clinic in Girard, eight cat spay and seven cat neuter surgeries were performed at no cost to their owners. The cats were also tested for FIV/FeLV, vaccinated for Rabies, and provided a pain and antibiotic injection post-surgery.
Due to rising costs and other obstacles in life, many residents are struggling to get their pets the care they need. With this grant from the Humane America Animal Foundation, we are grateful to be able to help those in need and ensure their cats will not contribute to overpopulation in the future. By getting these cats spayed and neutered, we are also helping protect them from certain health complications, such as pyometra and mammary tumors.
Thank you to the Humane America Animal Foundation for helping create a life of health and happiness for animals in need! It was an honor to work on your behalf to impact the animals in our community.
Charlie’s Angels volunteer carrying a bag of food to a recipient.
Fletcher, NC September 16, 2023
Charlie's Angels Animal Rescue took the $1,000.00 grant awarded by Humane America Animal Foundation, added volunteers and purchased and gave out 748lbs of dog and cat food at a local food pantry.
The giveaway was held on Saturday, September 16, beginning at 8 am at Fishes and Loaves Food Pantry. This pantry is offered by Etowah United Methodist Church, and it is one of our four food-pantry partners to which we regularly supply pet food. We chose to distribute the dog food at Fishes and Loaves because this pantry performs a vetting process for families who apply for help. They have a list of 93 approved families who come to their pantry for dog food each month.
We will always be grateful to Humane America Animal Foundation for enabling us to host this event.
With deep appreciation on behalf of everyone at Charlie's Angels Animal Rescue.